Martin Squadron hosts annual awards banquet
Middle River, Md. – Glenn L. Martin Composite Squadron hosted their annual squadron awards banquet at the Warfield Air National Guard base at Martin State Airport.
As part of annual squadron tradition, members and guests viewed a year-end slideshow, complied by Lt Col Chris Roche, show casing all of the activities the squadron participated in throughout the year.
Martin cadet earns Mitchell Award
Middle River, Md. – Glenn L. Martin Squadron cadet presented the General Billy Mitchell Award on 3 October 2013.
c/2Lt Britton Irechuwku earned Mitchell Award No. 63,214 in September 2013. LtCol Chris Howell, Group 2c ommander, presented Cadet Irechukwu his award. The Billy Mitchell Award marked the completion of phase 2 of the CAP Cadet Program, with the ultimate goal of earning the Gen. Carl A. Spaatz Award. Cadet Irechukwu is currently a senior at Dulaney High School.
Martin Squadron color guard presents colors at Orioles game
Baltimore, Md. – The color guard from the Glenn L. Martin Composite Squadron presented the colors at the Baltimore Orioles game on Saturday 24 August 2013.
Group 2 hosts glider orientation flights
Churchville, Md. – Group 2 hosted glider orientation flights on 3 August 2013.
Martin cadet solo’s at powered flight academy
Chesterfield, Va. – Martin Squadron cadet soloed during the Middle East Region Powered Flight Academy on 6 July 2013.
c/CMSgt Britton Irechukwu soloed in a Cessna 172 after 8 hours of instruction. He completed the standard three landings most student pilots complete during solo. The week long activity, based at Ft.Pickett, Va., is one of four over the summer. Cadets get the opportunity to get primary flight instruction towards their private pilot license. Cadet Irechukwu flew an additional two hours after solo.